Venerable Tulku Jigme Choepal Gyatso Rinpoche
At the age of five, Jigme Rinpoche was invited by the late Nubri Lama Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and the late Lopon Tsewang Norbu to Sangchen Rabten Norbuling, where he began intensive Dharma studies and Buddhist ritual practices. Guided by the late Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Karma Rinpoche, he engaged whole-heartedly in hearing, contemplation and meditation.
From the beginning of his training till the age of twenty, Tulku Jigme Choepal Rinpoche studied the Sutras and Tantras, Buddhist philosophy and logic, arts as well as other subjects required in monastic training. He also received the empowerments of Jangter Gongpa Zangthal (Northern Treasures), the Collected Works of Jatson Nyingpo and Longchen Nyingtik (The Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse) from the late Nubri Lama Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. From H.H. 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche, he received the highest teaching of the Northern Treasures and the Longchen Nyingthik Yabshi empowerments.
At the age of twenty-three, Tulku Jigme Choepal Rinpoche completed the traditional three-year retreat at Sangchen Rabten Norbuling. Currently, he is teaching the monks and nuns of Sangchen Rabten Norbuling, giving instructions to retreatants, and leading the recitations and ritual ceremonies.