Build main shrine hall with Guru Rinpoche Statue
We, the Project Team for Orgyen Ling Institute, humbly invite members of the public and devotees to come together to support building the Main Shrine Hall and Guru Rinpoche Statue for the Orgyen Ling Institute.
Constructing statues of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas brings immense benefits to oneself and others, both in short term and long term.
The Buddha once said: “If one builds temples and puts sacred objects inside the temple, or constructs places for sangha to live, the merit will increase continuously for millions of eons without diminishing.”
In particular, Guru Padmasambhava himself also said: “For those who have never met me, my image will be the light that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Building a statue of mine creates an object for sacred offering, which establishes the victory banner of the Buddha Dharma and matures sentient beings to accomplish the three sublime bodies of the Buddha. For those who supplicate to the statue, their wishes will be fulfilled.”
We earnestly request you to join us to accomplish this meritorious deed. By doing so, one will enjoy immediate benefits such as good health, sharp faculties, mental clarity and pleasant appearance. In all lifetimes, one will be free from misery, poverty, servitude and imperfect faculties. One will be reborn in future Buddhas’ pure lands and have capacity to liberate sentient beings. Eventually, one will attain true and complete enlightenment.
Additionally, building this Guru Rinpoche statue will further propagate the teachings of the Buddha, promote peace and prosperity, and prevent outer, inner and secret obstacles for our world.
Join us to realise this vision by donating any amount today. Your generous support will make a difference for today and tomorrow!

Mar 2024 Update: Construction of Guru Rinpoche statue at Orgyen Ling Institute
The outline of the body and face of the Guru Rinpoche statue is now in place. Construction is progressing at a good pace.
Construction of Bihi Birth Centre
We are excited to announce that we have received sufficient funding to build the very first Birth Centre in Bihi village to honor mothers and to provide them with a proper care support system.
Inauguration of Bihi School
Bihi School (Branch of Serang Primary School) was successfully constructed and officially inaugurated on 22 Oct 2023. The additional space and better climate provides a better living for the young children.